1. Dip-plastic 358 Anti Climb Fence is smooth with hand touch, and feels like wax, while sprayed fence mesh feels rough (not too obvious when the two are easy to detect).
2. From the price of the fence, the same screws, sprayed fence nets are cheap. The same finished silk thread, dip-shaped fence net is cheap. This is why the most commercially available dip-protection fences are purchased.
3. From the appearance point of view, the dip-plastic Anti Climb Fence is thicker than the spray guard net, the dip can reach 1mm, and the spray can only reach 0.2mm. It can be known from the wall thickness of the dip-coated skin that the dip-proof fence mesh is suitable for outdoor use, and the spray-painted fence mesh is suitable for indoor use.
4. In terms of details, the dip-protected fence mesh looks lubricated, while the spray-proof fence mesh can also see the working point (weld joint) during welding, so there are more dip-shaped fence nets.
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